dimanche 10 février 2013

Grillons ce que l'on veut !

Je suis retournée récemment dans la petite cuisine de Tomoko-san, à Montmartre.
L'écouter raconter des anecdotes sur la cuisine d'Osaka (dont elle est originaire) tout en dégustant une délicieuse soupe miso préparée sous nos yeux, c'est toujours aussi agréable !

Cette fois-ci, nous avons appris à confectionné des okonomiyaki. J'avais découvert cette "crêpe" japonaise lors de mon voyage au Japon, j'en avais remangé en France, et j'avais vraiment envie d'en faire moi-même. L'okonomiyaki est un plat populaire originaire d'Osaka. Au départ appelé issenyaki (ichi en yaki = grillé à 1 yen), cette galette à base de chou, de farine et d'eau était vraiment le plat du pauvre. Progressivement, ce plat est devenu plus consistant. D'abord par l'ajout d'oeuf dans la préparation, puis avec l'ajout de différents ingrédients comme du porc, des crevettes, etc...
S'il est possible maintenant de déguster un okonomiyaki partout au Japon, ce plat populaire reste une spécialité d'Osaka, principalement préparé et mangé à la maison. Hiroshima a quand même contre-attaqué en inventant un okonomiyaki plus élaboré, proposant un immeuble avec des restaurants d'okonomiyaki à chaque étage ! Mais du point de vue d'une personne d'Osaka, il s'agit d'un "hiroshima yaki", et en aucun cas d'un vrai okonomiyaki ^^

Petite particularité d'Osaka, par rapport aux autres régions, c'est qu'ils ne mangeront jamais leur okonomiyaki sans leur bol de riz (de la même façon que ma grand-mère mangera du pain même avec une pizza ^^ ) Et surtout, ils adorent les modanyaki, sortes de "sandwich" d'okonomiyaki aux yakisoba (nouilles de sarrasin sautées).

Afin de bien nous rendre compte par nous même des spécificités culinaires d'Osaka, nous allons réaliser, et déguster, 2 okonomiyaki (un avec sauce soja, et un sans), un modanyaki, du riz blanc, et des yakisoba ! Le tout accompagné de mugicha, thé d'orge au goût fumé et torréfié, très désaltérant.

Voici la recette de l'okonomiyaki d'Osaka, le vrai, l'original !
Remplir au 3/4 un grand bol de chou vert de chine (ou à défaut de chou pointu, mais surtout pas du chou chinois, la consistance et la tenue à la cuisson n'est pas bonne).

Ajouter différents ingrédients selon vos goûts (porc, lardons, calamars, crevettes, gruyère râpé....). Ajouter des petites crevettes séchées et de la bonite (ou du kombu) en poudre pour donner plus de goût.

Ajouter un oeuf et 4 cuillères à soupe de farine T45 (les autres ne sont pas idéales pour les okonomiyaki). Mélanger le tout.

Si le mélange est trop sec, ajouter 1 cuillère à soupe de lait (ne pas hésiter à rectifier la farine et le lait pour une belle pâte homogène).

Faire chauffer une poêle à fond épais (ou une pierrade, c'est encore mieux, il faut que ce soit très chaud). La graisser avec de l'huile. Disposer la pâte en forme de disque dans la poêle (environ 2 centimètres d'épaisseur). Couvrir (ça cuira mieux si c'est à la poêle, non nécessaire sur pierrade qui est plus chaude) Laisser cuire d'un côté, avant de retourner l'okonomiyaki pour le faire cuire sur l'autre face.

Pour la dégustation, il faut d'abord mettre de la "sauce okonomiyaki" (qui à la base était un mélange de worcestershire sauce et de ketchup, il s'agit donc d'une sauce un peu épaisse au goût vinaigré et sucré), ajouter par dessus de la mayonnaise (de préférence sans moutarde), puis des copeaux de bonites séchée (qui "dansent" au contact de la chaleur de l'okonomiyaki !)
C'est prêt ! Bonne dégustation !

Pour préparer les yakisoba, mettre de l'huile dans une grande poêle, y mettre des légumes découpés en morceaux (carottes, poireau....). Couvrir. Lorsque les légumes commencent à cuire, ajouter viande, calamar... Pour finir, ajouter les soba (pâtes de sarrasin) par dessus. Assaisonner les soba avec une sauce spéciale (plus liquide et plus épicée que la sauce okonomiyaki).

Quand les yakisoba sont prêts, on peut préparer un modanyaki ! Pour cela, faire un disque avec un peu plus de la moitié de la préparation d'okonokiyaki, placer des yakisoba par dessus, et finir par le reste de préparation d'okonomiyaki. Quand l'okonomiyaki est cuit en dessous, retourner le "sandwich" pour qu'il finisse de cuire.

Le résultat est un plat complet qui tient bien au corps, et qui est franchement très bon ! Le fondant de l'okonomiyaki, avec le croquant des nouilles grillées... Un pur délice !

Merci encore à Tomoko-san de nous avoir emmené avec elle dans ce petit but de Japon le temps d'une soirée.

Et puis les chats ont adoré aussi !

Mais ça on le savait déjà, l'okonomiyaki est quand même le plat préféré du chat Roméo dans Lucile Amour et Rock n'Roll ^^

En guise de dessert, Tomoko-san nous a donné 2 bonbons japonais :

Un bonbon umeboshi (prune saumurée) et konbu (grosse algue brune).

Ce bonbon, de couleur noire, est très fondant, moelleux, fourré avec une pâte encore plus fondante. Surprenant, mais j'ai vraiment bien aimé.

Un autre bonbon, rose et blanc, au ...sel !

Ce bonbon a été inventé il y a deux ou trois ans, alors quand pendant les grosses chaleurs de l'été plusieurs personnes sont décédées de déshydratation. La par contre, je n'ai pas accroché. Il a d'abord un goût de bonbon tout simple, mais rapidement le goût du sel prend de l'importance. Et franchement, c'est pas terrible !

http://recettes.de/okonomiyaki http://recettes.de/japon http://recettes.de/soba http://recettes.de/chou http://recettes.de/bonbons

11 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Your OkonomiYaki looks very delicious. The Japanese pancake has some variations. I also like Kansai Style OkonomiYaki which uses grated YamaImo - Yam. That gives distinctive flavor and texture.

I love cats, too. Cats love KatsuoBushi - shredded pieces of dried long fermented bonito.

But some of the elements such as sauce onto the pancake have salt in it. Small portion of salt for human doesn't means for cats. It is a risk for the health of cats.

So just give KatsuoBushi solely to your cats, please.

If you could eat octopus, try TakoYaki - octopus balls. That is another popular foods in Japan.

And AoNori - powder of dried green laver will enhance your OkonomiYaki and TakoYaki cookings.


Anonyme a dit…


Au professeur du plat
Veuillez traduire le commentaire.


Ghislaine a dit…

Thanks for your comments in English and in Japanese. I really appreciate that my blog in now an international blog !

I tried takoyaki in Osaka n November 2011, loved it ! The ones I ate in Paris, in Happa Tei Restaurant, where very good, but not as good as the ones I ate in Osaka.

I really appreciate tour concern for my cats, both in the english and the japanese comment (I'm glad that my 2 years of studiying japanese help me understand the last one ^^)
Don't worry ! I know human food is not good for them. The grey cat had allergies when he was a kitten because he ate too much in my plates. Now, I take a quick picture, but don't worry, they can't have anything from my plate anymore.
I know human food is often too salty for them. I take very good care of them both.

Anonyme a dit…

(The 2nd comment is not the same as my comment listed at the 1st.)

It's good to hear that you know about cats foods well.

I had an experience that I stayed a lodge which has Russian Blue. The nights during my staying, the silent cat visited my room and she played with me, even spoke to me.

Japan has lodges which have cats as a kind of landladies.

If you like cats and have another chance to visit to Japan, just try some nights at such kind of lodge.

Certainly, the time even in the night, you want to discover Japan.

But the lodge has MikeNeko(三毛猫) - Japanese Bobtail - possibly you can't help but coming back the lodge very early. Maybe becasue they are rare to see in Europe.

Japanese call the lodges which have cats as the staff "NekoOkami no iru Yado"「猫女将のいる宿」



Ghislaine a dit…

Thank you for your message Taro-san.

I've never heard of NekoOkami no iru Yado before. I went to a Neko Café in Tokyo, but I guess it's not the same.
Thanks for the advice.

I'll come back to Japon in April. I'll go to Kyushu, and then to Kyoto and Tokyo to visit a friend.

On my other blog, you can meet the cats I saw in Japan if you want : http://leschatsdeghislaine.blogspot.fr/2012/02/nihon-no-neko.html

Take care

Ghislaine a dit…

Ca alors !
Mon blog est traduit en japonais !!

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour Ghislaine,

I saw your blog photo of many cats in Japan. It must be a relax time in your trip.

I have something to tell about Kyuushu, Kyoto and Tokyo.

Kyuushu has many attractive trains. If you are interested in the train, try to check unique trains in Kyuushu.

Yakushima island has atmosphere of Ghibli Anime. This unusual island has long-living trees and abundant water ( which means many rain ). To approach the feature of gigantic trees, you need to join the nature-guide-tour for safety for yourself and the nature.

Kagoshima has a unique onsen – hot spring. The style is soaking the sand and steamed.

Kumamoto has the most undefeated massive castle in Japan – KumamotoJou.

Ohita has Bettsupu Onsen town. The springs which the town has count more or less of ten kind mineral qualities. That is a rare place even in Japan. One of the unique dishes here is JigokuMushi cooking style. Literally it means “Hell Steam”. The town has affluent strong natural steams all over the places, they use that for any of meats, seafoods and vegetables for eco cooking. This town has casual atmosphere.

If you want sophisticate spa resort, Yufuin is the place to go in this country.

Kyoto was a city for the emperor and aristocrats, it has many beautiful temples with their gardens. The city is in the basin, and surrounded by the mountains at its east, north and west. So, you can enjoy various aspects of the nature of Japan.

The last week(s) of March and the first week(s) of April are the period of full blossom of Sakura flowers. The flower has many hundred kinds. But the most well-known flowers bloom in Spring. I like SidareZakura and YamaZakura, but many people love SomeiYoshino.

This old capital has one of the biggest Manga museum in the world.
You will get the information the site below in French.

When you want to try old time Cosplay of such as Samurai warrior or Ninjya, go to the place as below.

And in the center of the city, you will be able to have Maiko experience.

Tokyo, if you ignore the artificial administrative borders of surrounding perfectures, it has 30 to 40 million population. I guess the city has substantially largest population among the world.

Close to the Tokyo Bay, you will have a theme park of Gundam.
In front of the site, you will see real size the machine.

Out from the city center, another popular museum is Ghibli.

Above two sites, you should get reservations in advance.
The latter one has French site about booking information.

I search mail function in your blog, but couldn’t find it.
So, it’s a pretty long information for posting the blog, still it gives you happy imagination beforehand of your next trip to Japan. I am studying to be a licensed tour guide. I hope you and your blog readers enjoy this.


Ghislaine a dit…

Hello Taro san,

Thanks for your messages, I really appreciate ^^
I'll go to Yakushima, Kagoshima and Kumamoto.

Last time I went to Japan, I went to the Manga Museum of Kyoto, and I really liked it !

Thanks a lot for all the links you gave me. I'll have a look at them.

I didn't know there was different kind of sakura flowers. I'll check on google SidareZakura, YamaZakura and SomeiYoshino.
I hope I'll be lucky enough to see the sakura flowers (I'll be in Kyoto the 1st week of April).

If you give me your a-mail address in a comment on my blog, I won't publish it, but I'll be able to write on your e-mail address.

Ghislaine a dit…

Hello Taro san,

Thanks for your messages, I really appreciate ^^
I'll go to Yakushima, Kagoshima and Kumamoto.

Last time I went to Japan, I went to the Manga Museum of Kyoto, and I really liked it !

Thanks a lot for all the links you gave me. I'll have a look at them.

I didn't know there was different kind of sakura flowers. I'll check on google SidareZakura, YamaZakura and SomeiYoshino.
I hope I'll be lucky enough to see the sakura flowers (I'll be in Kyoto the 1st week of April).

If you give me your a-mail address in a comment on my blog, I won't publish it, but I'll be able to write on your e-mail address.

Ghislaine (ギレン) a dit…

I just found a great link about the different kind of sakura : http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2011_species.html

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Ghislaine,

Sorry of my late response.

Yakushima, Kagoshima and Kumamoto are just the examples as my recommending sight-seeing places in Kyuushuu. So, please feel free when you decide the itinerary of Kyuushuu.

You like Manga culture, probably so do Anime.

Japanese Anime is now watchable by the net with English, Portuguese or sometimes French subtitles.

"Claymore" horror taste fantasy in the middle age at somewhere in Europe. English wiki will tell more.
"Zettai Karen Children"(Absolute Cute Children) Anime for kids.
"Oniichandakedo Aisaeareba Kankeinaiyone"(Even though you are my brother, if I have love to you, it is alright, haven't I !?) Story of a brother complex girl and her rivals.
"DokiDoki PreCure" Typical “Maemuki” young Japanese girls’ depicted as anime characters.

Those four anime are enjoyable for me. Each has their own distinctive taste. Only the first one, I had watched full episodes. Each a few episodes of the others I had enjoyed.

Sakura flower has about 600 kinds, if my memory was correct. The one even has pale green petals. Almost all the year, some of the cherry bloom out somewhere in Japan archipelago. But the most beautiful blossoms are viewed in the spring. Those are, I presume, SomeiYoshino for most of the Japanese, and my favorite ShidareZakura and YamaZakura.

ShidareZakura has elegant figure and attractive tone of pink petals.
YamaZakura has its petal color whiter than white and verdurous leaves give vivid contrast to its petals at its full blossom. It is more than Edleweiss to me.

The cherry blossoms are beautiful not only in the day but also in the night especially when they are light-up.
KiyomizuDera is one of the place where you can enjoy spectacular sakura flowers incl. unexpected angles.
Some streets of classical atmosphere have the tree and its graceful figure will strike your heart.

There are saying that the Western people love flowers at their full blooming. But if you had an experience to walk under the cherry trees when they are lasting and falling their petals with soft winds, I assure you will love the flower more and will recognize Japanese sentiment “MononoAware”. Viewing and feeling the moment will impress you unforgettably.

In the building where JR Kyoto station locates, there is a tourist information office. In spring, this site has visual rating displays of the cherry blossom on every major sight-seeing spots in Kyoto.
And the nature behaves always different from the past years. Be flexible, if your main purpose is to view the flower. Check the up-to-date rating at your beginning of Kyoto staying. Then you will get best locations for sakura viewings.

I had enjoyed your introducing site of sakura flower, thank you.

Here is my return.

Lastly, indeed, the cherry blossom is attractive in spring. But Kyoto has many other charms and magic. When you could not get reservations of the lodge in Kyoto in the season, but don’t be disappointed. You can enjoy the city and its mountains in any other season, or you will reserve lodges at the city Ohtsu/Ootsu – very close to the JR Kyoto station.
